Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Carrot cupcakes.

Okay, so I have been really busy with uni and whatnot, but I'm on break at the moment so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try these carrot cupcakes.

I used the recipe from 'The Crabapple Bakery Cupcake Cookbook' for Church Picnic Carrot Cupcakes.

They were really moist and not too sweet, I'm a big fan of Carrot Cake and for me this one is a winner!

Here they are, freshly out of the oven!

I topped them with cream cheese frosting of course!

I used a recipe from the same book, but changed the quantities slightly to suit my own taste;

70g softened butter
200g softened cream cheese
A good splash of vanilla essence
A squeeze of lemon juice
3 cups of sifted icing sugar

So basically, beat all the wet ingredients together really well for a few minutes, then slowly add the icing sugar, don't over beat or else the icing will go really sloppy! If it goes too soft, just pop it in the fridge for a few minutes for it to set a little bit.

You can use this icing straight away, so here it is on the cake!

I thought it looked a bit plain, so I decided to crush some roasted walnuts, brown sugar and cinnamon in a mortar and pestle as a topping. Sprinkle this on top and voila, delicious delicious carrot cupcakes!

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