Sunday, December 20, 2009

Reindeer cupcakes!

So we recently had a Christmas party with just our friends, I thought I'd make some festive cupcakes, so I googled "Christmas cupcakes" for some ideas...

I was inspired by these reindeer cupcakes, they are just so cute!

So I made a basic vanilla cupcake, added some rum to make it more christmassy, I'm not sure if the flavour came through though, I could definitely smell it when it was baking, they made the house smell awesome!

Anyways, I covered them with royal icing mixed with chocolate for the brown colour. Jaffa for the nose, two mini m&m's for the eyes and a pretzel snapped in half for antlers. voila, simple as, and they look so cute!

Apple Pie Cupcakes.

Apple flavoured cupcake, filled with cinnamon buttercream and topped with apple pie filling and a cinnamon buttercream lattice piped on top.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nerd theme;

I found this picture of cupcakes I made earlier this year,
A friend was having a nerd theme dress up party and I catered the cupcakes!

They were a vanilla sponge cake with lemon curd filling, topped with a lemon flavoured buttercream. The equations were piped on with some icing coloured dark blue.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Caramel Crazyy Special Birthday Cupcakes!

So it was a friends birthday today, and he absolutely adores caramel. I stumbled upon this recipe quite some time ago, in the Crabapple Cupcake Cookbook, and have kept it in mind for him ever since! I made a few adjustments to personalise it a little, and it turned out quite well! Just need to keep in mind, its not the best thing for you, health wise!

Caramel Lovers Cupcakes:

First you need to make "Real Caramel Sauce" which is basically a mixture of butter, cream, brown sugar and golden syrup. You need to melt the sugar down on a low heat, and then turn the heat up and boil it for 5 minutes.

It will end up looking somewhat like this after you have boiled it! Leave it to cool to room temperature. Once it has cooled, take 1 and 1/2 cups of this, and whisk it wit 3/4 cup of water to add to the cake mix later.
Next is the actual cake mix itself. Cream the butter, and then add the caster sugar. I used less caster sugar than the recipe stated, basically because the caramel sauce is so sweet, i don't really fancy me or any of my friends getting diabetes. So once the butter and sugar are well creamed, at each the eggs one by one, beating thoroughly after each addition. Add 1/3 of the flour, and then 1/3 of the caramel mixture and fold into the mixture lightly. Repeat until all the flour and caramel are mixed in. Don't mix too much at this point, apparently the cupcake will become tough if you do.

So your mixture is ready, just spoon into cupcake pans (I used those fancy foil ones, because it was a special occasion). Only need to fill the pan halfway, this mixture rises a lot, trust me!

Put them in the oven for 18 minutes at 170 degrees, and voila!

So for the icing, basically use the rest of the "real caramel sauce" and add sifted icing sugar to it. I didn't follow the recipe, I kind of just winged it, to get the right consistency, if you add too much icing sugar, you can add more cream until you get the balance right. Then basically just frost the cupcakes, top with some cut up rolo and you're done! I added a few candles and whatnot to make it a bit more birthday-ish! But yeah, they're pretty damn tasty. Caramelicious!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Carrot cupcakes.

Okay, so I have been really busy with uni and whatnot, but I'm on break at the moment so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try these carrot cupcakes.

I used the recipe from 'The Crabapple Bakery Cupcake Cookbook' for Church Picnic Carrot Cupcakes.

They were really moist and not too sweet, I'm a big fan of Carrot Cake and for me this one is a winner!

Here they are, freshly out of the oven!

I topped them with cream cheese frosting of course!

I used a recipe from the same book, but changed the quantities slightly to suit my own taste;

70g softened butter
200g softened cream cheese
A good splash of vanilla essence
A squeeze of lemon juice
3 cups of sifted icing sugar

So basically, beat all the wet ingredients together really well for a few minutes, then slowly add the icing sugar, don't over beat or else the icing will go really sloppy! If it goes too soft, just pop it in the fridge for a few minutes for it to set a little bit.

You can use this icing straight away, so here it is on the cake!

I thought it looked a bit plain, so I decided to crush some roasted walnuts, brown sugar and cinnamon in a mortar and pestle as a topping. Sprinkle this on top and voila, delicious delicious carrot cupcakes!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Banana Muffins;

Not that pretty to look at, but they taste oh so good! =)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chai Chick Cupcakes!

Animal Cupcakes made for RSPCA cupcake day!

Turtles (back row) - vanilla
Dragonflies - Chocolate
Tiger stripes - Choc vanilla
Lions - Lemon filled
Pigs- Strawberry filled
Frogs - Chai spiced

Vanilla Sugar Daisy Cupcakes

Jaffa (Choc-Orange) Cupcakes

Strawberries and Cream Butterfly Cupcakes.


My name is Kimberly, I am currently 19 years old.
I am basically obsessed with making cute, delicious cupcakes.
This blog is just me documenting them, and sharing any cool ideas I may stumble upon!